Aegis Blog

The Biggest Expert-Predicted Cyber Threats To Watch Out For In 2017

The Biggest Expert-Predicted Cyber Threats To Watch Out For In 2017

2016 is wrapping up with the announcement of the largest official cyber breach ever and the release of the fourth annual 2017 Data Breach Industry Forecast released by the nation’s largest credit bureau, Experian. It’s safe to say, cyber threats definitely were a hot topic this last year. And that’s not expected to change in 2017, because the cyber risks are real and the stakes are only getting higher. Keep reading to find out which ...
The Top Five Aviation Risks Of 2017 (And How To Avoid Them)

The Top Five Aviation Risks Of 2017 (And How To Avoid Them)

How risky is aviation? Ask an experienced pilot or aircraft owner, and the response may be that flying is about as risky as driving. But the number of general aviation accident incidences has remained steady for nearly two decades, with an average six or seven accidents for every 100,000 hours flown. With roughly one in every of these five aviation accidents proving fatal, properly assessing and managing aviation risks is crucial for pilots, owners, ...
Do You Need Special Event Insurance For Your Next Soiree?

Do You Need Special Event Insurance For Your Next Soiree?

Event planning is one of those skills that, when done right, looks effortless. Skillfully organizing a New Year’s extravaganza worthy of Gatsby means your guests are so focused on enjoying themselves, they never even notice the months of planning behind the event. Event planning is not for mere mortals. Whether you specialize in weddings, showers, corporate events, city events, or even holiday festivities on a grand scale, the effort and attention to detail required ...

