Aegis Blog

10 Things to Know About Flood Insurance

10 Things to Know About Flood Insurance

Do you need flood insurance? 99% of counties in the United States have been impacted by a flood event, according to FEMA. Even the driest places in America, like Death Valley, have dangerous flash floods. Even the smallest amount of flooding can cause significant damage. According to, just 1 inch of water can cause $25,000 of damage to your home. 10 Things to Know About Flood Insurance If you have questions about flood insurance, take a look ...
Faces of Aegis: Green Envy, Inc.

Faces of Aegis: Green Envy, Inc.

This post is part of our Faces of Aegis series. We're spotlighting our clients, the people and businesses who are making an impact in our Tahoe-Truckee community and beyond! Read more of our client spotlights here. Living in the Tahoe region means respecting and being good stewards of the natural environment. Aegis client Green Envy, Inc. is doing their part to keep Tahoe green with custom landscaping services and BMP installations.  Learn more about the ways ...

