
5 Ways to Save on Bike Rental Insurance for Your Shop

5 Ways to Save on Bike Rental Insurance for Your Shop

Reducing operating costs can be crucial for the success of your bike rental shop. Some of your costs are pretty fixed: rent, utilities, payroll, workers’ comp, replacement parts. So, so many replacement parts. But there is room to reduce your costs when it comes to insurance for your business. When every dime counts, here are five ways you can save on bike rental shop insurance. 1. Carry the Right Coverage Think of your bike shop insurance like your ...
5 Benefits of Outdoor Sports Insurance

5 Benefits of Outdoor Sports Insurance

Opening an outdoor sports business isn’t for the faint of heart. It’s for risk takers with a love for the great outdoors and entrepreneurial spirit, making money doing what they love. However, these types of businesses come with their own unique set of challenges. With outdoor sports insurance, you save the risk-taking for your outdoor adventures, not your bottom line. 5 benefits of outdoor sports insurance include: 1. Custom tailored coverage 2. Protection for all outdoor businesses 3. Coverage ...
What Your Business Needs to Know About Intellectual Property

What Your Business Needs to Know About Intellectual Property

Innovation drives business and changes our world. From small, home-based businesses to global corporations, a new idea or concept is created every day. If you’re in business, it’s important to understand the value of your intellectual property - and how you can protect it. What is Business Intellectual Property? Your intellectual property includes the ideas, concepts, and processes that your business owns. Consider the mouse whose ears are one of the most recognizable cultural icons in the ...
Insuring Your Second Home

Insuring Your Second Home

There’s a lot to consider when deciding to purchase a second home. Do you want it to be close to the ocean or in the mountains? Do you want to use it exclusively as a family vacation home or rent it out for extra income? Regardless of where you decide to buy and how you choose to use your second home, you’ll want to be sure that it is protected. With the right policies in place, you ...
Do You Need Very High Fire Hazard Severity Zone Insurance?

Do You Need Very High Fire Hazard Severity Zone Insurance?

Do you need Very High Fire Hazard Severity Zone Insurance? From San Diego to Siskiyou, CAL FIRE has identified very high fire hazard severity zones (VHFHSZ): areas at extreme risk for wildfire. Every county in the entire Golden state has - at the bare minimum - moderate fire hazard severity zones. Many CA counties consist almost entirely of high or very-high fire hazard severity zone areas. In other words, if you live in California, there’s a ...
What Insurance Do You Need for Your Vacation Rental Property?

What Insurance Do You Need for Your Vacation Rental Property?

The purchase of investment rental vacation properties is on the upswing. Over two-thirds of second home owners rent out their properties for a portion of each year to help cover the costs for their vacation home. Because most vacation rental properties are located in places with higher exposure to risks – such as wildfires, flooding, hurricanes, theft, and vandalism – investors are in need of insurance that will help cover the costs. Additionally, renting out a vacation ...
7 Things to Know Before Investing in a Vacation Rental

7 Things to Know Before Investing in a Vacation Rental

You’re planning on investing in a vacation rental but don’t know where to start. Embarking on a new business venture can be daunting, but knowing these 7 things before investing in a vacation rental property can help you on the road to success. 1. Be Prepared to Pay a Higher Mortgage When you apply for an investment property mortgage, expect to face higher interest rates than you see when you buy a home you plan to occupy. ...
What To Do When Your Homeowners Insurance Gets Dropped

What To Do When Your Homeowners Insurance Gets Dropped

Your homeowners insurance got dropped. Now what? If your insurance carrier refused to renew your policy, don’t stress. It’s happening to more and more homeowners, particularly throughout California where wildfire losses are causing huge upheavals in the insurance industry. Knowing you’re not alone may make you feel a little better - but it doesn’t help cover your house. Here’s what will. Aegis Homeowners Insurance Aegis Insurance Market specializes in high-risk homes in Northern California. We’re a Truckee-based independent broker who ...
3 Risks to Avoid for a Happier Holiday

3 Risks to Avoid for a Happier Holiday

The holiday season isn’t always merry and bright. In the midst of bright lights and warm spirits, sometimes everything can go wrong. Here are three holiday risks to avoid this season, plus a few tips (and helpful insurance policies) to keep you caroling along without a care. Flammable Holiday Trees What great memories you made taking the family out to cut down a fresh tree over the holiday season! Trekking through the snow, choosing the perfect tree, hanging the ...
A New Parent's Guide to Life Insurance

A New Parent's Guide to Life Insurance

Becoming a new parent is an exciting (and exhausting!) time. Suddenly, your world is bigger and broader than ever. You have people who depend on you now. And while you’re missing sleep, changing diapers, and warming bottles, it can be hard to think of anything outside of these immediate precious moments. Becoming a new parent is the perfect time to carefully think about your responsibilities and what kind of tools can help you best ...